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  • Member SinceOctober 3, 2014
  • LevelMember
  • About
  • Favourite PlayersStrycova, Bouchard, Diyas

User Earnings (Quarter)

User Aces (Quarter)

Tip Summary: 0.00% (0/0) in last 3 months | 0.00% (0/0) in last year | 54.96% (61/111) all time

Earnings Summary: +$0.00 in last 3 months | +$0.00 in last year | +$1,683.17 all time

ROI Summary: +0.0% in last 3 months ($0.00 turnover) | +0.0% in last year ($0.00 turnover) | +30.8% all time ($5,460.00 turnover)

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Ace Summary: Received 0 in last year, 213 all time - Given 0 in last year, 27 all time

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